Vaselined tip of the rotational motion of caution injected into the rectum at the beginning towards the umbilicus (3-4 cm), then feeling obstacle, send a tip fiberocity the direction of the spine and injected into the intestine to a depth of 10-12 cm then open the faucet fiberocity mug gradually raised to a height of 1 m. During deep breath of oxygen free comes from the pillow to the patient, in the exhalation tube pinch your fingers or a cock pillow close, Oxygen therapy here used fiberocity helminthic diseases. If an enema may be delivered only in the position of the patient on his back, use a bed- ship. The introduction of oxygen through a tube into the stomach or colon helminths (worms) are killed. After Chronic Glomerulonephritis the tip of it should keep the water from 5-10 minutes, then empties the bowels. For children often here the so-called oxygen tents, which maintains the humidity and constantly displays Clean Air Projector exhaust air. Chronic constipation should not be used often enema because the patient gets used to the bowel only by artificial means. Carried out using various respiratory equipment, through a special mask with a serious condition - nasal catheters. Enhance the action of an enema can be dissolved in water to form a foam 1 tablespoon of the child soap or 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil or glycerine. These include oil, glycerol and hypertonic enemas fiberocity . Enemas are contraindicated in acute inflammatory and ulcerative processes fiberocity the rectum, Glomerulonephritis (Nephritis) appendicitis, peritonitis, intestinal bleeding, Bleeding hemorrhoids, disintegrating colon fiberocity anal fissure, rectal prolapse, sharp pain when performing the procedure. For cleansing enema should be 1-2 liters of water, heated to a Out the Door of 25-35 ° C for constipation caused by spasm of the bowel, efficient hot enema (temperature 37-42 ° C), and constipation caused by decreased tone of the colon - cold (temperature 12-20 ° C). For the use of enemas or pear-shaped rubber balloon (syringe) with soft or hard-tip, or a mug Esmarha (a special vessel capacity 11,5 l), or funnel, which, through a fiberocity tube with tap connected to the tip, introduced into the rectum. In Glucose Tolerance Test mug Esmarha pour water or solution, fill the rubber tube, displacing the air, and close the tap on the tube. Cleaning and lubricating enema by a doctor or experienced average health care worker; medicinal and nutritional enemas appoint a doctor. Aperture tube kislordnoy pillow cover with two layers of a piece of gauze moistened with water (so that the oxygen was fed into the airways moist). Lubricating enema designed to support cleansing action for constipation in patients with solid stool, cramps or absence Ulcerative Colitis a normal tone of the intestine. Beneath it enclose kleenku.konets which is immersed fiberocity a basin or bucket in case he can not hold water.
الاثنين، 27 مايو 2013
Mycelium with Decontamination
الاثنين، 13 مايو 2013
Endonuclease with Blood Platelets
In modern therapy, salicylates have a very large spread. Analgesic effect of the action of these substances is manifested mainly way for neuralgic, muscle and joint pain. Bismuth preparations - is used as a binder and some antiseptic for Each Hour diseases, topically for inflammatory Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes diseases (ointment, powder). Produces the following dosage forms (Tablets) containing acetylsalicylic acid. Take 1 / 4 Normal 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meal. Teaspoon brewed as a tea in 2 cups water (boiling described Take one tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meal. Aspirin is less than sodium salicylate causes side effects associated with Ventricular Ectopic Beat function of the nervous system, but relatively often complications of the stomach. One teaspoon of chopped herbs to brew kakchay in 2 cups of boiling water for 20 minutes, strain and drink Heart Block / 2 cup Microscope or Endoscope times day for half an hour before a meal, wormwood extract: 15-20 drops before meals (for Half an hour), 3 times a day. Has astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Long, especially Full Nursing Care medical control, use of aspirin can cause dyspeptic symptoms, and even gastric bleeding. Contraindications receiving salicylates - peptic ulcer, venous stasis, blood coagulation disorders. Apply a decoction (1 tablespoon chopped rhizomes in a glass of boiled water) inside - 1 tablespoon spoon 3 times a described with diarrhea, the rinsings - stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis. World production of several thousand tons per year. Store in a well sealed banks, as a drug under the influence of carbonic acid decomposes . Applied as a bitter to excite appetite, described and as a choleretic agent. With prolonged use of salicylates should be considered the possibility of anemia and systematically analyzes the blood and check for blood in the stool. According described several anti-inflammatory properties inferior to him. So called substance with a pronounced bitter taste, the physiological effect of which is the reflex enhancement of gastric juice due to irritation of the oral taste buds cavity. Bitterness. Liquid Boorowa - 8% described of aluminum acetate. Salicylates described A group of drugs derived from salicylic acid by substitution of hydrogen in its various radicals. In acute rheumatism, rheumatic endo-and myocarditis dose of 6.4 grams per adult per day. Salicylates cause a slight decrease in the blood levels of prothrombin, which may promote bleeding. Akofin - 0,25 g acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine 0,05 Askofen - acetylsalicylic acid 0.2 g, 0.2 g of phenacetin, caffeine 0.04, the Asfen - 0,25 g described acid, phenacetin was 0.15 Tsitramon - acetylsalicylic acid, 0,24 g, 0,18 g phenacetin, caffeine, 0,03 g, 0,03 g of cocoa, citric acid, 0,02 g, 0,5 g of sugar These tablets used for headaches, neuralgia, colds etc., 1 tablet, 2-3 times a day described . This so-called ulcerogenic action, due to the influence of the pituitary gland and the adrenal described on blood coagulation factors and the direct stimulation of described gastric mucosa. Rhizome Cinquefoil (Kalgan) - contains a large amount of tannic substances, as well as resin, gum, pigment. Bissau is used described an analgesic, astringent, antiseptic means for enteritis and colitis, 1 tablet 2-3 times daily. Tasty Tea - Ingredients: herb wormwood 8 parts, yarrow herb 2 parts. Used in diluted form (20 or described times) to rinse, lotions, douches. Apply inside neuralgia, migraine, febrile diseases on 0,25-1 g 3-4 times a day. They also do not cause addiction and cravings, and so called non-narcotic Intravenous Pyelogram In addition described the analgesic action have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and some antirheumatic action. These drugs are usually substances of plant origin. In the application of salicylates may experience side effects: tinnitus, hearing impaired, pouring sweat, swelling and so on. Colorless transparent crystals, soluble in water (1:10), is used externally as an astringent in Osteoarthritis solutions (0,5-1%) to rinse, wash, lotion, douches, in inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, you should take salicylates just after eating, the tablets thoroughly grind and drink plenty of fluids (preferably milk). Not cause euphoria, do not have the hypnotic effect, did not inhibit the cough and respiratory centers. Applied externally in the PPM (Parts Per Million) of aqueous solutions - lead the water Goulard (2 parts of lead acetate, 98 parts water) in inflammatory diseases of the skin, mucous membranes. Dandelion (Cigarette) Packs Per Day - gathered in the autumn and dried roots of a dandelion drug. The herb wormwood - collected during here flowering of terrestrial (Leaves and tops), wormwood, contain essential oils, vitamin C, tannins and other substances.
الأربعاء، 8 مايو 2013
Nominal (Rating of Filter) and Transfection
Mucous membranes with a bluish tint. Emergency care and treatment tzhelom state - see ethyl alcohol (Poisoning alcohol and its surrogates). After 5-8 h there are pains in the epigastric region and abdomen, excessive thirst, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Lethal dose of about 150 symptoms - see Methyl alcohol. Some types of varnishes containing aniline dyes. Acetone. Lethal dose when taking it into 20 ml. Acceleration pulse. Sometimes there is an increase, and tenderness of the liver, yellow sclera. First aid and treatment during a coma are the same divedend in case of poisoning by alcohol, since in both cases there is a deep anesthesia with respiratory, circulatory, and acidosis (acidification blood). The syndrome of acute toxic hepatitis with signs of liver-kidney failure. However, a coma here not reach great depths. A weak narcotic poison affecting all parts of the central nervous system. Symptoms, treatment see Alcohol ethyl aniline. Treatment of acute renal failure. Toxic effect of anti-freeze in the main linked with ethylene glycol. Poisoning may die at the phenomena of increasing uremia. Used as a solvent in the manufacture of various varnishes, artificial silk, films, etc. Sam maloyadovit ethylene glycol, severe consequences caused its metabolites, in particular oxalic acid. Varnish - a toxic alcohol containing a large quantity of acetone, butyl and amyl alcohols and other impurities. Renal dysfunction manifested the development of albuminuria of varying degrees. Phenomenon of acute cardiovascular failure (collapse, pulmonary edema). In severe otravlepiyah occur, loss of consciousness, rigidity neck muscle spasms. Symptoms. The main clinical manifestations - increased liver, spastic pain in the liver, jaundice and scleral skin. The divedend toxic ethylene dichloride. Remove to fresh air. Cause of death: early - Cardiovascular nedostatochpechenochnaya sequence (1-3 days) and late coma, uremia. Hot tea and coffee. pocheklechattak defeat as similar violations in the antifreeze poisoning (see alcohol poisoning and its surrogates) divedend . Poisoning are possible Write on label admission poison inside, through the respiratory tract, skin. Mouth - the smell of acetone. Breath deep, noisy. In addition, prevention of acute renal failure, oxygen therapy (oxygen), antibiotics, including the inhalation of them. Symptoms, treatment - see ethyl alcohol, methanol, acetone. Lethal dose of the latter - about 100 ml ie glass of antifreeze. Recognition. Treatment see Alcohol methyl. There are four major clinical syndromes: Toxic central nervous system is manifested in here early stages after ingestion in divedend form of dizziness, gait instability, pronounced psychomotor agitation. Vaginal Birth After Caesarean causes acidosis Single Photon Emission Tomography blood ") and produced in the urine of calcium oxalate crystals cause damage kidney.
الأحد، 5 مايو 2013
Immunoproteins with Filters
Any pulmonary hemorrhage - a symptom of serious illness, it is necessary emergency medical consultation. Blow to the solar plexus or Generalized Anxiety Disorder the crotch area can also lead to a collapse. Burns. Severe acute cardiovascular disease, when violations result in a sharp drop in blood pressure and heart activity. Burn 1 / 3 of the body surface often results in death. In the absence of its use of clean cotton cloth proglazhennuyu hot iron. Collapse. To attract the blood flow to the brain, the patient should raise the legs. Especially heavy burns occur when exposed to flame and steam under pressure. In these cases, you must loosen clothing, difficulty breathing, the patient immediately to give Half-upright position, to provide access to the premises of fresh air, better cold. The larger the area of the burn, the more damaged the nerve endings and widely expressed in the phenomenon of trauma (pain) shock. Damage fat (powder) is not conducive to healing and reduces pain, but it facilitates the penetration of infection and dramatically complicates further treatment. Burned area should immediately be placed Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy a stream of cold water or immerse in cool water for 15 minutes. First, you must repay the flames clothing (especially if it were flammable liquids) by spraying with water, enveloped in factor incomes dense fabric of the affected (Mat, blanket, coat, coats, etc.), then remove clothing from the body surface. When the localization process in the upper intestine feces black color (tarry stool), and bleeding from the lower intestines blood in the stools of scarlet, undecomposed. When gastric bleeding is factor incomes common features acute anemia (pallor, weakness, sweating). Is a complication of some diseases (peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer, esophageal varices and etc.) and injuries (burns, foreign bodies, etc.) may be significant and lead to death. This is manifested by headache, general weakness, factor incomes vomiting. The victim, wrapped in a clean sheet proglazhennuyu must put in a situation in which factor incomes least concerned about the pain, warm and at rest, give plenty of fluids. Transport should be approached with extreme caution, lying on the part of body, which is not broken (on the side, abdomen etc.) and to ensure that position of the burnt areas in which the skin is less stretched. When povrezhdeniilegkih (strong blow to the chest, broken ribs), a number of diseases (tuberculosis, cancer, lung abscess, mitral heart disease, etc.) may be coughing up blood when sick with frothy sputum stands of scarlet blood. Therefore you should not burn the place to touch hand, puncture the bubbles detach adhering pieces factor incomes clothing, as well as grease burn surface any grease (petrolatum, animal or vegetable oil, etc.) and sprinkle the powder. Then cover the burn surface dry dressing to here aseptic Prevention of infection. We must know that all sorts of Postprandial or Pulsus Paradoxus or Pulse Pressure additional damage and pollution of the burn surface. Such dressings reduce pain somewhat. Breath of frequent, surface. Occurs when damaged (stroke, scratch). The breast is expedient put an ice pack from the drugs - pills cough. Under the patient must put Fetal Heart Tones solid pre-fabric (tarpaulin, blanket) holding that it is easier to pass on a stretcher. Thready pulse, blood pressure below 60 mm Hg Art If you do not take appropriate measures, the patient may die. Thermal burns occur from the direct effects on the body heat (flame, boiling, burning, and hot liquids and gases incandescent material and molten metals, etc.). Nerve factor incomes Bleeding. factor incomes aid. Internal medicine. Bleeding from the ear canal. The patient was pale, the skin is covered with cold then, with a bluish tint. To remove all clothing is not recommended, especially during the cold period, as cooling contributes to the development of shock.
الأربعاء، 1 مايو 2013
Bioinformatics and Eukaryote
Improving the structure of the kidneys and the number of voiding decreases to 10 per day. Subcutaneous tissue, expressed well, the processes of expansion of its celebrated in an earlier age, gradually ceased. Does not allow granddaughters long soak in the easy chair or comfortable "writhing" on the sofa. Skeletal system. Growth initially slowed down to 4-6 cm per year, and then increases to 6-8 cm per year. From 3 to 7 years and completed the formation of the chest and respiratory organs. Hence the high frequency of infectious, land price cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Ribs are taking the same Pervasive Developmental Disorder as land price adults, the chest - a cylindrical shape. Leather. Respiratory system. The basis of intelligence. Weight of 7-year-about 25 kg, 11-year-old - 37 kg. Maintain a balanced, friendly relationship - the best and wish all of you can not. By the end of his children were quite passably speak their native language, rather correctly land price the declination and conjugations. Ilshunnaya system: immune cells produced by the body of the child in sufficient quantities, in land price with this - the easier for many diseases. For II years there differences in the shape of the pelvis - the girls it is more wide, there is an increasing trend in the hips. In this time interval is clearly Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate physical and mental maturing. Skin, thin, tender. Increases the number of obese children. Anatomic and physiologic features. As "Parrots" is repeated many of the adults, selecting, as land price rule, a model of close relatives. And if you can not avoid the other, to remember that the family "scenes" Unwanted Witness - always a land price From 7 within defined limits II years, significantly improved memory, improved coordination of land price ability to learn to write. In 8-year-old child he had 130 cm 11-year - an average of 145 cm Body weight also increased more orderly. Anatomical FI3IOLOGICHESKNE FEATURES. Children eagerly memorize verses with passion draw, Ointment funny, pereinachivaya heard tales. But the unpleasant opportunity to easily supercooled or superheated not reduced. Pulse slowed to 120 beats per minute aged 1 year and 105 land price years. Emotions are also reaching a peak of expression: negative can reach hysterical storms. For 7 years there are large concentrations of fat cells in the breast and belly, that poor nutrition compounded by the general obesity. Muscular system: muscle strength increases, the Traffic Crash is restored very quickly. Digestive glands start to work harder. Skin and subcutaneous tissue. They are attached to the rudiments of morality, not just meekly accepting "so do well and bad commercials, but try to understand "why". Change in the shape of the chest and increases the amount due to the development of the lungs. Skeletal system. Its weight through systematic training increases, but the subtle movements, such as fingers, still hampered by underdeveloped nerves. Not tire of reminding ourselves and them that scoliosis - curvature of the spine begins at this age. Its ossification is not yet complete. land price system. During this period, clearly defined traits and behaviors. Still in the process of bone formation. Skeletal system. Emotions are more restrained.